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Monday, August 15, 2011

Shared Sacrifice

There was an Op-Ed piece in the New York Times, written by Warren Buffett, exclaiming the reality of a shared sacrifice for all of us.  I find it amazing and appalling that so many wealthy people take their position and life for granted, and would prefer to live selfish lives as opposed to thanking those whose sacrifices are made everyday to keep those same knuckleheads in high cotton.
Warren Buffett decries our self-serving Congress and it's sucking-up mentalities to the uber-rich; and therefore sacrificing the lives and well-being of millions of Americans for so few folks.  Not to mention the fact that the majority of people who serve in the US Armed Forces are from the middle and lower classes, and die every day so these same uber-rich folks can go on living their selfish lives, and dutifully unwilling to sacrifice anything.
It's a sad state we live in...

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